Ordering "The Ash Tree - a novel"

To order this novel, please email the publisher at connect@westofwestcenter.org or find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Two events in Beachwood: Show of Jeanette Arax Melnick's paintings, and Showing of "The Promise" with panel discussion led by Daniel Melnick at Maltz Museum, Beachwood, Ohio

Two showings of "The Promise," dramatizing the 1915 Genocide of the Armenians in Turkey, on December 10 were sold out at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in the Cleveland area - Beachwood, Ohio. Each showing was followed by a panel discussion led by Daniel Melnick, author of "The Ash Tree," the 2015 novel about the Armenian American family of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide.

"The Ash Tree" on shared program with Taner Akcam, Keynote speaker, for Detroit's Armenian Genocide Committee event

Introduction and readings from "The Ash Tree" by Daniel Melnick at the 3rd Annual Book and Author Luncheon on October 22 in Detroit, sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Committee of Greater Detroit. The keynote speaker was the courageous historian Taner Akcam, who presented the Turkish documents attesting to the 1915-1918 Genocide.