Ordering "The Ash Tree - a novel"

To order this novel, please email the publisher at connect@westofwestcenter.org or find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

a fine notice from the "Armenian Weekly"

Here's the link to a fine notice about The Ash Tree in the "Armenian Weekly:"

A month ago, on June 15, one hundred people showed up for my reading from the novel at the Beachwood branch of the Cuyahoga Public Library. The hosting librarian said it was a remarkable event, "with so much emotion in the room" and "more books sold" than at any comparable event there. Another Cleveland reading is in the works for September - stay tuned.

Two wonderfully insightful reviews appeared on the Amazon site for The Ash Tree, and we are hoping for more reviews to surface on-line and maybe in newspapers.

For further details, take a look at (and hopefully you'll like) the facebook page for the novel at https://www.facebook.com/theashtreeanovel.

Thanks for everyone's support.

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